The article below was first shared by Donna Farhi as part of her newsletter. With her permission we re-publish it here. Find out more about Donna Farhi on here website,

Donna is offering a weekend workshop, Building Resilience - Renewing our Capacity for Regeneration, 25-27th September 2020 in Auckland.

Full details and bookings are on Neal Ghoshal’s Sacred Moves website here >>

Neal Ghoshal


Resilience is something we have to work at all the time. But I’m sure you know this because if you are reading this post you have (or have had) a self-guided yoga practice over some period of your life.

Resilience is the capacity to bounce back that is dependent on having invested in one’s fitness over an extended period.

By fitness, I don’t just mean a strong body; mental, emotional and spiritual fortitude are also qualities that come through staying the course. How many of us have faced the loss of a marriage, a sudden bereavement, an accident, or an unforeseen challenge and found ourselves feeling blessed that “all those years of practice” were now coming to our aid.

But here’s the thing. Developing resilience doesn’t only happen in solitude and through singular herculean effort. It is also something we can gain through leaning into each other’s presence and support. I’m remembering those long 21-day teacher trainings and how powerful it felt to practice with other people every morning, day after day.

When we’re weary or discouraged, there’s something potent about drawing on the focus and concentration of others and the collective intention to stay. Collective intention can help us to sit in meditation when we feel we can’t muster the discipline, to practice dynamically when we’re feeling jaded, and to settle into long Restorative Yoga or Yoga Nidra practice when our own personal staying power may been whittled to a nub.

We can’t always go it alone. This is what I’ve been thinking about in the lead-up to the first “physical space” event of this year. I’m cherishing the thought of being able to gather and practice together after so many months of isolation. We’ll have time each day to share guided sitting meditation, movement inquiry, gentle yet dynamic asana practice as well as Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra. There will also be opportunities for dyad and group exchange as we share what we are learning from this time.

Save the dates …

Building Resilience - Renewing our Capacity for Regeneration, 25-27th September 2020 in Auckland.

Full details and bookings here >>

N.B. As New Zealand is once again facing a resurgence of Covid-19 we’ll be taking a rain check September 11th to decide whether we can indeed go ahead. If we have to cancel all monies will be refunded.

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