Interoception: Mindfulness in the Body

Interoception: Mindfulness in the Body

By Bo Forbes, from

What does it mean to be embodied? And doesn’t yoga already take care of that? When we take a closer look, the answer might surprise us. Think of embodiment on a continuum. On one end, we have exteroception, in the middle proprioception, and on the far end, interoception.

Building Resilience with Donna Farhi

Building Resilience with Donna Farhi

Resilience is the capacity to bounce back that is dependent on having invested in one’s fitness over an extended period. Here, world-renown Yoga teacher of teachers shares what resilience means to her, and how we may develop a resilience as we face difficult times.

Reflections on the future of Yoga by Peter Blackaby

Reflections on the future of Yoga by Peter Blackaby

I first heard about Peter Blackaby many years ago when I was still living in my home town Brighton, England, almost 20 years ago. He was becoming a well-known teacher even then. He still teaches in Brighton and I’m hoping to catch a class or two with Peter when...
How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep by Lauren Tober

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep by Lauren Tober

Good quality sleep is SUCH an important part of our well being.  When we sleep we allow our body to restore and heal itself, both on a physical and psychological level. Depression, anxiety and stress can result in poor sleep, and poor sleep can result in depression, anxiety and stress.

So whichever way you look at it, getting a good nights sleep is vital for our well being.

Somatics and Yoga with Lisa Petersen

Somatics and Yoga with Lisa Petersen

An interview with Lisa Petersen, on Yoga Journal, Spain.
Lisa Petersen has been a friend and colleague of Karla Brodie and Neal Ghoshal for many years. We all share Donna Farhi as a major inspiration for our Yoga teaching and practice, among other influences of course.

Shoulder Alignment in Downward Dog: Is External Rotation the Best Cue?

Shoulder Alignment in Downward Dog: Is External Rotation the Best Cue?

By Jenni Rawlings, on Yoga International

When considering shoulder alignment in downward facing dog, what are the first cues that pop into your mind? If you’re like most yogis, one of these cues is likely to be “external rotation.” With occasional exceptions, the instruction for the upper arm bone (humerus) to rotate externally in the shoulder socket (glenoid fossa) in down dog is a foundational alignment rule taught in most yoga teacher training programs.

Protecting Your Knee in Pigeon Pose

Protecting Your Knee in Pigeon Pose

By Ray Long MD, of The Daily Bandha

Working with the muscular stabilizers surrounding the individual joints is a central tenet of both injury prevention and rehabilitation. In this blog post we illustrate how to work with myofascial connections to protect your knee in Pigeon and Reclining Pigeon pose.

7 Moves You Need for Graceful Aging

7 Moves You Need for Graceful Aging

By Cynthia Allen on Huffington Post

No matter how many candles were on your last birthday cake, to get the most out of your life and be on track for feeling fine at 99, here are seven essential moves you need.

#1 Wiggle – Just stop with the sitting still as a rock.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sacroiliac Dysfunction

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sacroiliac Dysfunction

By Amber Burke, on Yoga International

For many yoga practitioners, the sacroiliac (SI) joints are shrouded in mystery. Many yoga teachers say that some poses should be practiced in a certain way “for the health of the SI joints” without identifying where these joints are anatomically or explaining why students should care about SI joint health.

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