Music for Yoga – Ideas, Suggestions and Playlists

Music for Yoga – Ideas, Suggestions and Playlists

I LOVE music. I am constantly astonished by music. By the endless creativity of musicians to produce beautiful, moving, wild rhythms, melody and harmony. I could never imagine life without it. What a blessing music is in our lives!

Yoga is my other love. I regularly join the two together in my own practice and in my classes you will often hear me playing music to support the Yoga. Sometimes I may even bring my guitar and play live for people.

Why I love Somatics

Why I love Somatics

Finally after almost a lifetime of yoga practice and study I was introduced to  Somatics. I had struggled with a broad variety of different ideas about how yoga should be practised. A lot of the instruction seemed contradictory and hard to clearly embody. I kept...

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