Reflections on the evolution of a Yoga practice and teaching practice over two decades

Reflections on the evolution of a Yoga practice and teaching practice over two decades

Over the early years of teaching yoga I am often asked by students “Am I doing this right?”

I began to question what defined “right Yoga” and then in contrast what defined “wrong Yoga”. I feel it speaks to an ingrained cultural trajectory that values getting better or improving oneself – as if there is something at the beginning that even needs improving.

This self-improvement idea translates into Yoga practice as ‘better’ or ‘good’ by being defined by how complex or bendy one can be and is often accompanied by what one looks like while preforming Yoga postures.

An Interview with Amy Matthews and Olive Bieringa, with Karla Brodie

An Interview with Amy Matthews and Olive Bieringa, with Karla Brodie

Yoga teacher and trainer, Karla Brodie talks with Body-Mind Centering (BMC) educators Olive Bieringa and Amy Matthews during a BMC somatic movement education programme in Melbourne, Australia, February 2020.

Karla: Thank you for being here. Every morning of training we’re starting the day with a warm up so I have a few warm up questions for you both.

Amy: Okay.

Half Moon to Child’s Pose Flow

Half Moon to Child’s Pose Flow

We’re gearing up for playing more with video – it’s a great medium for showing movement as opposed to a static photo of a posture. There is so much that may be explored in the transitions between postures, in how we flow, in how we move.

Why I love Somatics

Why I love Somatics

Finally after almost a lifetime of yoga practice and study I was introduced to  Somatics. I had struggled with a broad variety of different ideas about how yoga should be practised. A lot of the instruction seemed contradictory and hard to clearly embody. I kept...

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