Rachael Lowe
Rachael Lowe
Phone Number
022 090 6589
Location / Country
New Zealand
New Zealand
About / Bio
I teach yoga to all people at all levels in their journey. I have a special interest in working with women wanting to conceive and women wanting to achieve wellness and love for their bodies, particularly as they transition into their wisdom years.
A fun and creative thing I do is teach yoga to lovers - sensual and intimate, a renewal of love and closeness.
I love yoga and share it in a creative way that connects us and provides meaning for each person.
A fun and creative thing I do is teach yoga to lovers - sensual and intimate, a renewal of love and closeness.
I love yoga and share it in a creative way that connects us and provides meaning for each person.
Qualifications / Teacher Level
Restorative Yoga with Contemporary Yoga, 2018
Partner Yoga with Rainbow Yoga, 2018
Fertility Yoga with Rainbow Yoga, 2018
Community Yoga with Rainbow Yoga, 2018
Kundalini Yoga - Authentic Relationships, Conscious Communication, Mind & Meditation, Lifestyle & Lifecyles, 2010 to 2012
Kundalini Yoga, Level 1, 2008
Partner Yoga with Rainbow Yoga, 2018
Fertility Yoga with Rainbow Yoga, 2018
Community Yoga with Rainbow Yoga, 2018
Kundalini Yoga - Authentic Relationships, Conscious Communication, Mind & Meditation, Lifestyle & Lifecyles, 2010 to 2012
Kundalini Yoga, Level 1, 2008
Please note:
We are proud to profile these teachers who have been through our trainings. However, we take no responsibility for your experience in their classes and workshops. We highly recommend you connect and talk with teachers first before attending their classes.