by Contemporary Yoga | Mar 17, 2021
This week’s interview is with Michaela Sangl – one of the most experienced teachers of yoga for children in New Zealand and the founder of Yogi Kids Professional Development.
Her primary focus is now sharing her wealth of knowledge with educators, yoga teachers, practitioners and caregivers.
by Karla Brodie | Feb 13, 2021
Yoga teacher and trainer, Karla Brodie talks with Body-Mind Centering (BMC) educators Olive Bieringa and Amy Matthews during a BMC somatic movement education programme in Melbourne, Australia, February 2020.
Karla: Thank you for being here. Every morning of training we’re starting the day with a warm up so I have a few warm up questions for you both.
Amy: Okay.
by Karla Brodie | May 21, 2019
Have you ever been told you can’t sing?
For those of us who have, there are a few paths we consciously, or unconsciously, choose: we either stop singing, or we contain our singing to the shower or car, or to when we’ve consumed the right amount of alcoholic beverages to let ourselves belt out the anthems of our youth.
Yet in my work, my voice is one of my most important tools I use in teaching Yoga. It’s not just what I say, but how I say it. Here I share my journey with reclaiming the power of my unique voice.
by Neal Ghoshal | May 17, 2019
I LOVE music. I am constantly astonished by music. By the endless creativity of musicians to produce beautiful, moving, wild rhythms, melody and harmony. I could never imagine life without it. What a blessing music is in our lives!
Yoga is my other love. I regularly join the two together in my own practice and in my classes you will often hear me playing music to support the Yoga. Sometimes I may even bring my guitar and play live for people.
by Contemporary Yoga | May 6, 2019
Donna Farhi is an internationally respected Yoga teacher who has been practicing for over 40 years and teaching since 1982. Donna Farhi is also the primary Yoga teacher for Karla Brodie and Neal Ghoshal, core faculty at Contemporary Yoga. She is the author of several...
by Neal Ghoshal | Mar 22, 2019
Erich Schiffmann teaches what he calls Freedom Yoga – the freedom to teach and practice any style of Yoga he likes! His approach is about tuning in, listening to guidance from within, the inner teacher, and then doing as is prompted.
This encourages and empowers the student to listen and respond to their own body and movement, to practice in a way which respects their body, and how they find themselves at the beginning of each practice.
by Neal Ghoshal | May 5, 2017
Many of these tips and suggestions came from online sources (quoted at the end), and many also from my own experience. I hope you find these valuable. Make it your own Be inspired by other teachers and their language and the way they use their voice, but ultimately,...
by Karla Brodie | Mar 2, 2017
Yoga practice for me is about surrender, presence and an ‘everything is as it is’ approach. Surrendering any idea that we have to go somewhere, achieve something or reach any point of perfection in our practice can be very liberating. The ‘practice of surrender’ in yoga may then support living life with a renewed sense of ease and flow.
by Neal Ghoshal | Feb 16, 2017
At first, we do not realise the power and the beauty of the practice to transform our lives. A few years down the line we may recognize that in fact Yoga is leading us on an amazing journey of self-discovery (recovery!).
Yoga offers this to us all, teachers or not – practices and teachings to help us become who we truly are.